List GDAP-relationships with reseller customers using Microsoft Graph and PowerShell
Here’s a script to list GDAP-relationships with your reseller customers based on CSV export in Partner Center, using Microsoft Graph and PowerShell.
Make an export of your reseller customers by:
- Go to the Customers workspace in Partner Center
- Go to Indirect resellers in the left-hand menu, chose a reseller and click View customers on the right side.
- Click Export on the options menu for this reseller.
Now you have the CSV file required for the script to use as reference. No modifications needed.
- Requires Microsoft Graph module.
- Requires AdminAgent or Global Administrator role.
Install-Module Microsoft.Graph -Scope CurrentUser -Repository PSGallery -Force
- Fill out the following in the script:
- Name or ID of reseller
- Path to CSV export from Partner Center
- Path for generated report
PowerShell Script
# Enter the name or ID of your chosen reseller. This is not required by the script, only as reference in the generated report.
$ResellerName = ""
# Enter the path of your customer list exported from Partner Center.
$ResellerCSV = Import-Csv "./customers.csv" -delimiter "," -Encoding UTF8
# Enter path to where you want to export your report.
$ExportTo = "./export.csv"
$table = @()
Write-Output "Opening browser for Partner Center authentication.."
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "DelegatedAdminRelationship.Read.All"
Write-Output "Fetching all GADP-relationships.."
$gdap = Get-MgTenantRelationshipDelegatedAdminRelationship -All
Write-Output "Looking for reseller customers in GDAP relationships list.."
foreach ($rel in $gdap) {
foreach ($customer in $ResellerCSV) {
if ($customer.'Microsoft ID' -eq $rel.Customer.tenantid) {
$Table += [PSCustomObject]@{
Reseller = $ResellerName
Relationship = $rel.DisplayName
Customer = $rel.Customer.DisplayName
CustomerTenantID = $rel.Customer.TenantId
AutoExtendDuration = $rel.AdditionalProperties.autoExtendDuration
Created = if ($rel.CreatedDateTime) {($rel.CreatedDateTime).tostring("dd.MM.yyy")} else {"No date"}
Ends = if ($rel.EndDateTime) {($rel.EndDateTime).tostring("dd.MM.yyy")} else {"No date"}
Status = $rel.status
$table | Out-GridView
$table | export-csv $ExportTo -delimiter ";" -force -Encoding UTF8